Thursday, September 1, 2016

Here I am again..ignoring my blogging...good excuse.. been very busy with real estate and my mobile notary business has been amazing... getting ready though to take a few days of R&R up at my cousins in Long Beach..although..she doesnt let me lay around..always fun things to do..out to eat..visiting friends..playing cards but like that kind of busy.

1 comment:

  1. Here we are ..2021.. so much has happened in our world in 1.5 years. Covid is the biggest subject. All the changes we went through. From masks, to quarantines, vaccines, loss of life, people working at home and kids with no onsite school. I dont think it is over yet.

    I have remained busy with my notary work. Interest rates on residential mortgages dropped to 2.25% so kept me busy with notarizing loan documents. Also alot of people are doing trusts which requires notarized signatures. I think in these crazy times people are thinking they better get their affairs in order.

    The political world. Dont even know if I should touch on that. California is in the process of doing a recall on Governor Newsome. President Biden having to make alot of decisions. Trying to get our troops out of Afghanistan. Gas is over $4.00 a gallon. Employers are crying for help..guess no one wants to work with getting all the government money and then I am sure some had to stay home because their kids werent in school.

    Still sharing my Boomers in Blue Jeans book. Available on
